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Acne Specialist

District Dermatology

Dermatologists & Mohs Surgeons located in McLean, VA & Vienna, VA

Acne may be most common among teenagers, but this severe skin condition affects adults, too. In fact, more adults than ever are experiencing routine breakouts, which can often be linked to stress, hormonal fluctuations, or genetics. No matter what your age, chronic acne or severe breakouts can result in permanent skin discoloration, scars, and psychological stress. The team of board-certified dermatologists at District Dermatology in McLean, Virginia provide comprehensive treatment solutions for patients with acne and acne scars. To learn more, call or book your appointment online today.

Acne Q & A

What causes acne?

Acne, which most often appears on the face, neck, chest, back, or shoulders, develops when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. It can become deeply inflamed or turn into painful cysts when p. acnes, the bacteria that live on your skin, get inside oil-clogged pores and multiplies.

Acne is most common among teenagers, but the problem is becoming more widespread among adults. Women, in particular, are more prone to experiencing breakouts in their thirties, forties, and even fifties.

Why is it important to treat acne?

Persistent acne can seem like a never-ending problem: Just as one breakout clears up, a new one emerges. Allowing each breakout to run its course may seem like an acceptable solution, but allowing chronic acne to go untreated can lead to permanent skin damage, including visible scarring and dark spots.

To reduce your risk of lasting damage, it’s important to begin a customized acne treatment protocol as early as possible. While acne is incurable, it can be minimized and kept under control.

Effective acne care usually combines personalized skincare recommendations with oral medication and in-office treatments. The team at District Dermatology uses sophisticated technology to treat acne, improve the texture of your skin, and help eliminate breakouts.

How do acne scars develop?

Acne scars are typically the result of frequent or unusually severe breakouts, both of which are more likely to damage your skin to its deeper layers. There are two types of acne scars:

Raised Scars

As a breakout clears up, your body produces new collagen to support the healing process. In some cases, the body produces too much collagen, leading to the formation of raised acne scars. This type of scar usually appears on the chest and back.

Depressed Scars

If your body produces too little collagen as it heals from a breakout, it can lead to the development of depressed acne scars, or small pits along the surface of your skin. This type of scar usually appears on the face.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call the office or book online today.